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findAhome was founded in 1999 and, after 4 years development, the website, and database was launched. The system was initially developed for the colleges and universities of Ireland, for their off-campus accommodation requirement, and has since evolved to list properties for sale and to let.

findAhome is the only provider to the third level sector in Ireland. findAhome provides an online management system to the accommodation officers in the third level sector, enabling them to manage and communicate their listing more efficiently.

findAhome delivers a quality service to both the accommodation officers and to the student and young professionals seeking accommodation. For a fraction of the cost of developing alone, we can provide your company with an advanced search engine for your website. findAhome will also provide you with a management interface, so that any member of your staff can update your website. We are now harvesting this relationship and the technology that we have built for the benefit of our clients in the auctioneering and letting market.

What we can offer you

findAhome is now providing a low-cost website development for auctioneers, letting agents, holiday home companies, using the technology we have already built to communicate your listings to the general public. We have invested heavily in this market and system, recognising that the natural progression is that from this sector will emerge the high income earners of tomorrow.


4Property is the software powering this website. 4Property is a comprehensive infrastructure for online advertising, content management and data transfer between applications and databases. The company has created a number of niche independent community net marketplaces (Internet exchanges) across the Third Level, Property Rental and Residential Sales Sectors and the Newspapers. These are focused initially on Irish and UK markets.

Using a combination of partner and proprietary software, 4Property has created software solutions that will provide the infrastructure required to create a secure, quality, controlled environment for Internet management and marketing of property, cars, holidays, and job adverts. 4Property completely automates the process straight from the high street of the agents and dealer all the way to publish online and to print.

For example, this is currently being done with over 120 different estate agents where their information and images of their properties are sent directly from the office software in each office to a central database where it is analysed for the customer and then published online. 4Property also publish their classified advertisement page directly from a feed from the 4Property database. Find out more about 4Property and our flagship property marketing database solution, Property Drive, at

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