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Kilrush Upper, Clonmellon, Co. Westmeath



For Sale

Edward Carey Property is delighted to bring to the market this strategically important holding of c28.21 hectares / c69.75 acres land with approximately 16 ha / 39.5 acres mature & growing forestry, together with possibly significant gravel deposits. Of interest to forestry, investment, landowners, etc.

The lands are arranged as follows; about 8.5 acres of mature planting & containing possibly significant gravel deposits, about 40 acres of hardwood & Norway spruce, with the balance of the lands being overgrown/mature scrub.

Strategically positioned, and with direct access onto the N52 route, the location is excellent.

To bid on this property, please go to my website, find the listing & hit the Offr button to bring you to the registration field. I'll then approve your registration and you can bid at your convenience.


McGowan Solicitors, Balbriggan, Co Dublin. Ref, Ruth Higgins


The property may be inspected by appointment with the agent

Superb investment holding of c28.21 hectares / c69.75 acres total area
2011 planted area comprises c16 ha / 39.5 acres
Mature planted area comprises 3.45 hectares / 8.5 acres
Property contains possibly significant gravel deposits
Balance of lands are overgrown/mature scrub
2011 planted approx. 20 acres oak & beech mix
2011 planted approx. 20 acres Norway spruce & alder
Estimated thinning 2026 & 2031
Excellent location fronting onto N52, c14 kms Kells & 25 kms Mullingar
Annual premiums of 7,800, expiring 2030

Directions :
GPS 53.650361, -7.028859. Our sign is at the property

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