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Church Street, Castlepollard, Co. Westmeath

Development Site

Sale Agreed

4,654 sq.m.

James L. Murtagh Auctioneers are delighted to present this residential development opportunity at Church Street, Castlepollard, Co. Westmeath N91 XF59 to the market. Located on Church Street within easy access of Castlepollard village, this unique opportunity consists of c.1.15 acre site zoned Established Residential The objective of this zoning is to support high quality residential consolidation and sustainable intensification at appropriate locations in a manner that does not impact negatively on the amenities or character of an area as per the WC Development Plan. The subject site is regular in shape of level topography and provides purchaser(s) with numerous development/re-development opportunities which would be subject to ministerial guidelines set out in the Westmeath County Development Plan. The site benefits from easy access to on street services and access to this lot is proposed by way of a Right of Way through the existing entrance.
Zoning: The subject site is zoned Established Residential per the Westmeath County Development Plan 2021 - 2027. As noted in the Westmeath County Development Plan 2021 - 2027 This
Established Residential zoning is intended to reflect existing established residential areas. In such areas sustainable intensification of gap infill, unused or derelict land can be achieved through infill development, the subdivision of larger houses, backland development and the development of corner sites. The sensitive intensification of housing development in established residential areas is supported by the Guidelines for Planning Authorities on Sustainable Residential Development in Urban Areas, DEHLG (2009), which recognises that the provision of additional dwellings in towns can revitalise such areas. Proposals for development involving the intensification of residential uses within established residential areas will be required to clearly demonstrate that the proposal respects the existing character of the area and would not harm the amenity value of adjacent properties.The village is known for its built heritage and is home to Tullynally Castle, a Gothic Revival castle and Fore Abbey, where the ruins of a Benedictine Abbey stand only a mere 5km from the subject property. The village offers an array of both social and essential services and facilities, and is within immediate access to the transport nodes. The village has a dedicated Local Action Group stemming from the Westmeath County Councils five year action plan for Castlepollard adopted in 2018. The aim of the plan is to consistently build on and promote business and commercial, services and amenities, culture, heritage and tourism and sustainability. Castelpollard Community College is set for a major expansion and upgrade of the faciltiies having been given the green light for the development in January 2024. Castlepollard has also been selected for the Governments Town Centre First Initiative a programme aiming to tackle vacancy and dereliction and each town has been allocated '30,000 to complete a comprehensive town plan. Those who choose to live in Castlepollard have the benefit of the village services and facilities yet also enjoy the peaceful countryside living. The subject property benefits from just that, located less than a 5 minute drive from the village yet harnesses all the trappings of its countryside setting.

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