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1/2 Dalys Place, Woodquay, Galway City, H91 KVR0



To Let

50 sq.m.

BER No: 800795106
EPI: 669.75 kWh/m2/yr


Ground Floor Retail Unit

Extending to approximately 50 sqm / 538 sq ft (GIA), this superbly located premises benefits from extensive frontage and is situated in Woodquay adjacent to pubs, restaurants, offices and retail concerns. This premises traded very successfully as a retail concern for many years.

New lease. Full details and viewings can be arranged from sole letting agents. Please contact Philip Mullery on 091 567275.

Messrs. Mullery Auctioneers Ltd. for themselves and for the vendors or lessors of this property whose agents they are, give notice that:- (i) The particulars are set out as a general outline for the guidance of intending purchasers or lessees, and do not constitute, nor constitute part of, an offer or contract. (ii) All descriptions, dimensions, references to condition and necessary permissions for use and occupation, and other details are given in good faith and are believed to be correct, but any intending purchasers or tenants should not rely on them as statements or representations of fact but must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of them (iii) No person in the employment of Messrs. Mullery Auctioneers Ltd. has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatever in relation to this property. (iv) We have not tested any apparatus, fixtures, fittings or services. Interested parties must undertake their own investigation into the working order of these items. (v) All measurements are approximate and photographs and maps provided are for guidance only. (vi) Prices quoted are exclusive of VAT (unless otherwise stated) and all negotiations are conducted on the basis that the purchaser/ lessee shall be liable for any VAT arising on the transactions. (vii) Where a Matterport Virtual Tour is provided, we do not accept any responsibility for the accuracy of the Matterport measurement tool. Interested parties must confirm these measurements themselves by inspection or otherwise.

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