Radharc Na Sleibhte, Mountrath

Radharc Na Sleibhte, Mountrath
Development Site
For Sale
CBPM introduces the chance to acquire a Prestige Development Opportunity at Radharc na Sleibhte, Mountrath, Co. Laois.
Full Planning in place for a 49 Unit Development with all services on site ready to go.
Folio No: LS4946F 1.93 Hectares (4.76 Acres)
Site has planning in place - expiry date May 2026. Planning Reference Number and Proposed Plans are available on request.
Pre-connection enquiry has been completed with Irish Water and both Water and Wastewater connections are deemed 'Feasible without infrastructure upgrade by Irish Water'.
Electricity substation on site, adequate to power proposed units.
Live storm and sewer line on site.
Water main at entrance to site.
There is an additional 1 acre at the rear of the site which is also suitable for development subject to Planning Permission.
There is demand in the town for a development like this, there are 3 primary schools in the town together with a post primary school with circa 700 pupils. A successful juvenile soccer club and a GAA club which is currently undergoing significant development/expansion and an amenity park with outdoor gym area.
Mountrath Golf Club is located just outside the town. Mountrath is also undergoing improvement/development as part of a Sustainable Communities Town Plan - there are plans in place to further develop the town centre and encourage new business into the town together with developing existing businesses and taking advantage of its location to the scenic Slieve Bloom mountains.
Bloom HQ is a very successful working from home hub which is also used for meetings/training due to its location close to both the M7 and M8 motorways. The old convent building where Bloom HQ is located also houses a gym and holds regular fitness/exercise programmes. There is also a thriving Library, Tidy Towns Committee and a monthly Cottage Market.
Mountrath is equidistant to Limerick and Dublin and serviced by good transport links (Local Link bus service) and train stations in Portlaoise and Ballybrophy with frequent services to Dublin, Limerick and Cork.
Site Price is plus vat @ 13.5%